Monday, August 13, 2012

Why Mondays Should Be Against The Law

There are days that just start off poorly.  Mondays tend to take the hit on that.  My day started with a phone call from my dad.  He wanted all the details about scheduling a doctor's appointment.  Finally, with the help of some hand puppets, stick figures and a call to NASA, we got that taken care of.  Then my brother called to ask if I knew our aunt died.  I was all, "Duh, dude, that happened Saturday.  Try to keep up."  He was giving me the funeral information when his other phone rang.  It was Dad.  I have no idea what they talked about but I'm sure that doctor's appointment was a hot topic.  I later got a text with the funeral info.  I love texts.  So much nicer than having to actually speak to someone.

I went onto Facebook and was met with an ugly surprise.  I seem to have been unfriending by someone.  I'm really hurt.  I have yet to find out what happened.  This is a person I talk to daily.  More than once a day actually.  After I shed a tear, I moved onto FarmVille.

I enjoy playing FarmVille but lately, it has been one serious PITA.  Nothing works.  I had had a response from the game's creators this morning.  Told me how they fixed all my issues.  Uh, yeah.  NOT.  So, I sent another complaint.  I have again been assured that all is right in my little farm world and they tossed in some freebies.  When you're feeling that you have done nothing all day, you can head to your farm and move stuff around and you feel like you've really done something.  Okay, that's a feeble attempt at rationalizing wasting time sitting on my butt playing.  Yeah, yeah.  You know you've been there too, dear reader.

A friend told me that I have a style similar to Erma Bombeck.  I was pleased.  I loved Erma.  I told my sister this.  She said that I was more like Martha Stewart with Bitchaholic tendencies and that I probably needed therapy.  I love my sister.  And I love children.  Deep fried.  With ketchup.

If anyone has any thoughts on where you turn when you have turned a full circle and still see that your life is heading nowhere, your love life sucks and you can't even maintain a Facebook friendship, please write me in care of the nearest Macadamia Ranch.  'Cause that's where I'm headed.  Insert big, huge sigh here.

I can't keep my twisted mind from wandering though, sad or not.  Here's another good blog name:  The Drama Llama.  I know people who could so totally pull this off.  How about:  Debbie Does Depression?  Or 99 Ways to Suck at Life if You're a Fuzz-Covered Lollipop Mixed in With the Good Flavors?

And on that note, I'm off.  Thanks for stopping by.  Y'all come back now, ya hear?  Damn, now I miss Hee Haw.

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