Friday, August 31, 2012

The BEST Facebook Post of the Week

Yep.  I love Facebook.  I'm not ashamed.  I'll admit it.  And I hate Facebook.  Yep, I'll admit that too.  There are always posts and comments and things that make me wanna either get on my knees and thank God for birth control or find the nearest school and run in to embrace all the little children.  I don't recommend either.  Knees were meant for one thing and that's not praying.  *wink wink*  And the teachers get all freaky when you hug the students.

The current beef with Facebook is the political free-for-all going on.  I don't discuss politics.  I don't care what you believe.  I don't care who you plan to vote for.  Don't step on my choices either.  We can all co-exist.  Truly.  It's the same way as me not forcing you to maintain a fake farm.  I'm a member of the FarmVille fans.  And while I just can't fathom anyone NOT enjoying the hell out of fake farms, alien cows and crops of gummy bears, I won't insult you over it.  Well, not to your face. YES, I am being facetious about FarmVille...(just in case the FV cops are monitoring my posts again).

A friend posted this "prayer" a few nights ago.  I copied and shared it today.  Many of my friends are copying and pasting on their statuses.  OMG, it is going viral.  I agree with Mary Dempsey and am posting the prayer here 'cause this is my blog and I can post what I want.  I know my rights!!!  

"Dear Lord, Help me to retain the friends I have during these next months while this Political Back and Forth BS goes on. Please help me to keep my mouth shut and just move on from posts that offend me or piss me off as I hope those who see posts from me that offend or piss them off will do the same. I'll let them have their say on THEIR wall and in return please let me have mine on my wall. I won't make negative comments to your posts so please refrain from any negative comments on mine. I'll let them believe what they want to believe and I'll believe what I want to believe. I will not be bashing them for who they choose to support and I'd appreciate them doing the same for who I want to support. So Lord, please guide us to our respective corners and help us to ignore each other's political views until the next election is done and over...AMEN ; )" (by Mary A. Dempsey)

I've posted it just as she wrote it.  No editing.  I hope that some of my friends and neighbors will read this and consider NOT commenting negatively when they don't agree.  There are days that we all just need a virtual big frigging smiley face and not a barrage of ugly.  Join hands now, kids, and let's sing some Kumbaya, k?

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