Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Funerals, Family and Frappuccino

What a strange, odd day.  My sister and I visited the funeral home this evening for the visitation of our aunt.  It wasn't overly sad because this death was somewhat expected.  But it was odd in that it was a family event and only Sue and I were there representing "our" family.  We've left one phase and are entering another.  I hate change.  I hate change.  And did I mention that I hate change?

A trip to Starbucks reminded me that I also hate cake pops.  I'm totally WTF? about them.  It's not cake, it's not a lollipop and it is a total screw over on frosting.  But coffee or something sweet and calorie-laden was necessary after dealing with family.  Our time at the funeral home was spent discussing aging parents, illness and nursing homes.  Believe me, the coffee and cake pop barely put a dent in the bad taste in my mouth after talking such super fun topics.

Sue and I (she's my sister BTW) are considering having our parents move in with us.  We don't see a lot of other options.  A nursing home is what we need but you can't find those for free and the parents don't want to go anyway.  Not sure I want to discuss this right now, dear readers.  Just thinking about it makes my stomach burn and churn.

Joy and mirth.  Life is just plain difficult some days...  Seriously weird, complicated, sad and difficult.

RIP Aunt Iola

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