Friday, August 1, 2014

Meet One of My Favorite Designers and Friends

Howdy.  Happy Friday.  Of course, I'm assuming you're reading this on Friday.  But happy whatever day you happen to land here.

I haven't done a lot of blogging about crochet and my love for it.  So, I shall remedy that right now.  And you'll learn why I can't type the word "pink" without having to go back and correct it.  Every.  Single.  Time.

I'd like to introduce you to my friend, Jennifer Middleton Pionk.  Note that last name.  THAT is why I can no longer spell pink without adding an o. (umm, not that kind of O you freak)  Jennifer joined a Facebook crochet group I was in.  When a friend added her, I was less than pleased.  I had seen a few of Jennifer's designs and while they were great, I figured she would be a snob.  Much to my surprise, she's NOT.  She is totally down-to-earth, fun, creative and a true friend.

I have had the pleasure to watch her business grow and expand on Facebook. Her page is A Crocheted Simplicity and you really should visit her.  Go ahead, I'll wait.  (Cue Jeopardy music)

I probably got to know Jennifer best when I was struggling with one of her patterns.  Mind you, the fault was entirely mine.  She painstakingly walked me through the areas where I was struggling.  She sent me photos to show just what she meant.  I honestly have no idea why I had such a rough time. The pattern couldn't have been easier.  In fact, I made and sold several hats.

The "crochet world" has taken a turn lately.  There are people who don't understand what goes into creating a pattern.  And the time spent writing it out.  Then it must be tested.  And tested again.  There are so many steps before it can be released to the public.  Sometimes designers are criticized for the cost of these patterns.  That is so wrong!  Just today, I read a comment about pricing.  Here's what Jennifer had to say:  "With all of my patterns I try my hardest to incorporate something unique to make them worth the money and to teach you something new. All of my patterns are thoroughly tested and I answer questions almost immediately (I hate waiting for a response myself)"   And this is absolutely true.  Each pattern I've completed has taught me a new stitch or technique.  And in some cases, a new friendship too!  Thanks for sticking by me through Chasing Chevrons Sun Hat Hell, Jennifer.  As you can see, I finally mastered it!

When Jennifer introduced her crocheted beach/yarn bag, I was in heaven.  I loved making it and being creative.  Again, her instructions were so easy and there were plenty of photos.

I have so enjoyed watching Jennifer mature and expand her fan and pattern base.  I know the time she puts into designing and perfecting her designs.  You can find her on the well-known sites like Ravelry and Craftsy.  Click here to go to RAVELRY

Based on the items I've shared, you'd think that Jennifer focuses only on her female fans.  Fear not!  She actually has patterns for boys.  Yes, boys.  Click the link, darn it.  Take a look.

Jennifer has tons of patterns now and many new things in the works.  I hope you'll take bit of time to get to know her and visit her Facebook page.

I have the distinct honor to be friends with several great women who design crochet patterns.  I'd love to share them with you.  Stay tuned for more yarny goodness in blogs to come!
But FIRST, go learn more about Jennifer at Her website


  1. Love Jennifer's designs! And she is definitely no snob! Her chevron sun hat pattern rocks!
