Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Google, Boredom and Who

This week, while it is only Wednesday, has been a crapfest. So, I was bored and decided to mess around on Google.  Why jack o'lanterns popped into my head, I really couldn't say.  I know why Doctor Who was mucking around in my brain though.  I've been seeing tons of cool tee shirts with well-known symbols from the show.  There is this great bleaching technique way of transferring stencil designs to shirts. More on that later.  

Back to the Whoness of this post.  I am always amazed at the creativity people have.  When I do a pumpkin carving, I'm lucky to end up with all my fingers and a design on that bad boy that you can almost recognize.  I mean, I am a whiz with triangles, baby.

As I just said, I'm bored.  And in a funk.  So what better time to Google or something, right??

Check, out what I found:

Tenth Doctor - my favorite and BBC, you need to bring him back!!

My favorite companion (besides Rose) dear K-9 the always faithful

Oooh, an Ood

Don't blink!  You're dead if you blink!!

Delete!  Exterminate!!

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