Wednesday, August 6, 2014

I Owe it All to a Crazy Ninja Hooker

I belong to a great crochet group on Facebook. Tons of members, lots of fun. Occasionally though, someone must tread down the path of dramadom. Okay, it happens A LOT in there. And honestly, I enjoy a bit of drama when it's not based on my life. I pop some corn, sit back and watch the fireworks. Admit it. You do it too. You know you do. I know you do. You know I know you know I do. And you know I know....ah, forget it.  (rinse and repeat) 

There are days though, when the drama is too much.  Or when someone just has to comment on something you've posted and you are NOT in the mood.  Not saying that you don't have a right to comment or a right to your opinion, even if you are 100% stupid and wrong.

I have had some rough days lately with personal dramas.  Way too much sadness, illness, loss and just a crapfest of annoyances.  And I, like most people, enjoy venting.  But there's always that one asshat who simple MUST comment and give some annoying platitude or suggestion.  You know, the one where you just want to tell them to kindly eff off.  But mama raised you better than that.  I tell them to Get Off My Lawn.

This phrase comes to us from Jacqualyn Walker, owner of The Crafty Geekette.  She is ten shades of awesome with a dash of the ability to be a bitchy, yet articulate, voice of reason.  She created "The Ninja Hooker" for us.  We post it in the group when someone is going all drama-tastic.  When she added the "Get Off My Lawn" phrase to the little ninja, I thought I died and went to heaven. 

I loved the phrase so much, I bought a tee shirt Jacqualyn designed.  I also post several Get Off My Lawn memes on a regular basis on my Facebook wall.  There are just days, kids.  Nothing else will do.  Or I should say nothing else is socially acceptable to utter on my wall.

You can find Jacqualyn's stuff here:  Crafty Geekette Stuffs

And, and, AND she also designed a crochet pattern to make your own adorable ninja.  Her Ravelry Patterns

NOTE 9/3/14 - Keep your eyes on The Crafty Geekette.  This girl is going big places.  I am so pleased for her and know she will do the craft/crochet world proud.  Jacqualyn, you rock!!

There are days we all need to let off steam.  I figure saying this phrase is fairly innocuous and people get the point.

I have noticed, however, when I wear the tee shirt, I get some strange looks.  Or perhaps I get them anyway!!  But when I'm wearing my cute pink shirt with my funny little ninja, all is right in MY world and I give off the perfect air of bitchyness without even opening my mouth.

So, do you have people who make your day just a little bit  better just because you know them and they touch your life even from a virtual angle?  Tell me about them!  

If you do all that fun Pinterest stuff, you can find me on there, pinning the pins that must be pinned.  Click my little button in the margin and you can follow me.  I mean follow on Pinterest.  Not in real life.  That would be weird.  And all stalkeryish.  And then I would have to tell you to 

#TheCraftyGeekette #crochet #laurapoolgirlblog #GetOffMyLawn

1 comment:

  1. I bought one of her shirts several months ago. It's just the little ninja hooker on a blue shirt but it makes me super happy whenever I see/wear it!
