Monday, August 4, 2014

The Bitch Post

There are days when you just can't win.  You spill the entire can of coffee before you make it to the coffee maker.  Your dog steals your shoe.  You can't figure out Pinterest.

I've been stuck in that Craptastic Day for about a year now.  And today, I think I hate everybody and everything.  I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.

I want to scream and throw things and slap people.  And for some reason, that's not considered socially acceptable.  Know what?  I don't effing care!  WHAPPO!!

I'm tired hearing about weddings and babies and parties and vacations and fun.  My life is not fun right now.  I feel like I'm failing everyone.

I want to run naked and screaming down my street.  I want to sit on my front porch and just holler until I have no voice.  But again, the frigging neighbors frown on this stuff.  Don't ask how I know.  I just does, okay?

Tune in tomorrow, faithful reader.  Things will be better.  I promise!  Oh, did I mention that my satellite dish isn't working and I'm forced to watch whatever channels decide to come in?  Currently, we are doing a marathon of Murder, She Wrote.  I also hate Jessica Fletcher in case you were wondering...

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