Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Gonna Tell Ya About Papa

A few months ago, I received an invitation to attend an online party.  Being the fun girl I is, I went.  I was introduced to Papa.  Or, let's get all formal and call it Paparazzi Jewelry.  OMG!  I had so much fun and saw that it was a great opportunity and I couldn't help myself.  I decided then and there to become a consultant.

I am now selling fantabulous $5 jewelry.  This stuff is amazing!!!  Yes, I said $5.  I have bracelets, earrings, necklaces, rings and lanyards.  You gotta check out my business page and jewelry groups on Facebook.  You KNOW you wanna!

Here are some of my favorite pieces:

If you love jewelry, you should have a party with me.  My hostesses earn FREE HOSTESS REWARDS.  It's a deal you can't beat - fun, fashion and free!

I'm also learning more about Google+ and Pinterest.  I'm becoming ubiquitous!  

Click here to "like" my page

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