Saturday, May 10, 2014

Google Plus, Google Minus....It's All Fuzzy Math to Me!

So, yes, I entered the arena of Google+.  And no, I have no clue at all what I'm doing there.  But with so many changes with Facebook, many of us with businesses are trying new avenues to reach our customers.  And to annoy our friends.  

I've learned that you can hang out on G+.  But not literally.  I tried.  My laptop will never be the same.  Is it just me, or should things mean what they say and say what they mean?  Hmm, I just channeled Dr. Seuss.  But really, the whole hangout thing is baffling.  Am I supposed to BYOB or a dish to share? Do I have to get dressed?  I even found a section where you can do some freaky online phone call thing.  Imagine my horror when I clicked that and realized that the world (okay, only those people in my circles) could see me.  Even I don't wanna see me most days!  Sheesh.

Oh, and the circles.  I'm in your circle.  Are you in mine?  Have we started some Hokey Pokey game?  Again, this poor blonde girl is so confused.  Yeah, yeah.  I could actually sit and read and learn more about G+ but I prefer whining and bitching and wandering the Googledom lost.  No worries, I'm tossing down virtual breadcrumbs so I can find my way back home.  Yum, bread.  I like bread.

I attempted to explain G+ to some guy.  I told him I share my stuff there just like I do on Facebook.  I extrapolated on the virtues of circles and hangouts and posting and plusssssing and the whole GLand vibe.  He left the convo more confused than a blind man in a maze.  I figure I did my job just right there.  Who needs him on G+ anyway?  He made lousy scones.  Yes, I said scones!  Wanna make something of it?  He also sold insurance.  Who the hell needs that pesky stuff?  (All in jest.  He's a very nice man.  And the scones were good.  I even shared with the sister person.)

In short, you can find me on Google+ if you wanna.  Or not.  Some days, I can't find myself.  Of course, I forget to look sometimes.

Now, how about a photo of my dog because he's cuter than anything on this earth?  K??

He's convinced that with the right fertilizer he'll grow to a full-grown St. Bernard.  And like I treat all my men, I shall keep him in the dark on this and merely indulge his fantasies.  Oh...speaking of fantasies.... I attended a Passion Party Bachelorette thing the other night.  Anyone want to read a blog on THAT?? Stay tuned.  

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