Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I'm a Hooker and Proud of It

Yep.  I hook. And my mom knows.  She's proud of me too.  Today, I'm sharing a couple links (no, not sausage links) for free patterns.  I love free!  I also love paid patterns too.  Some of my dear friends write and test patterns and sell them.  It's not an easy way to earn a buck!

I've been crocheting for years.  I love it.  Most of the time.  Wanna see my latest project?  Do ya???  Like you have a choice!  This is a variation on several patterns and my own design really.  So, let me tell you my pet peeve on this color group.  I wish the gay and lesbian community hadn't taken over the rainbow.  I'm artistic.  I love color.  I like rainbows.  But I feel when I use them or rainbow colors, I'm making some kind of statement.  Or I'm NOT making one.  I don't care if you're gay or straight and I support your equality.  I just don't want my hat to say anything other than I like to crochet in a spiral and this is wicked cool yarn.  K?  Can we all deal with that?

By posting this photo, I'm also making an admission.  I have a crochet/jewelry/home dec/etc business.  I try to not link it to my life as Laura PoolGirl because I have had some stalking issues.  But I want to try to start selling my stuff and to do so, I need my business.  Of course, having some conditions that prevent me from working a regular job also prevent me from doing much with the crochet stuff.  However, I do what I can and on a bad day, I can usually crochet for a bit and take my mind off the pain.

So, do you have a creative outlet?  I'd love to hear about it.  Are you interested in crocheting?  Take a look at the links for the free patterns.  There are a bunch and some really cool stuffs.  Another day I'll tell you about my favorite designers who sell patterns.

Today's blog wasn't exactly humorous but what the hell.  I shared free stuffs with you.  Getcha some!

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