Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Numero Uno Posto

Well, we're off.  Welcome to my new blog.  I'm Laura.  I like my pool.  I don't really swim in it though.  I'm a pool jogger.  Hey, it works for me.  I have added arm weights to the routine.  My "guns" are taking shape.  I'll never have Michelle Obama's arms but if I did, she'd need hooks or something and well, they would be a bit dark on me.

I have no idea what this blog will be about as my focus changes daily.  Today, I did an hour pool jog, tried to stick to eating Jenny Craig diet food and I didn't end up in jail.  Tomorrow, that all could change.  My father has been battling lung cancer and Friday will have an appointment with his oncologist.  After that, we'll be going to get my mom sprung from the hospital and taken to a rehab facility.  She's been a frequent flyer in the hospital and at rehab.  NO, sorry, it's not that kind of rehab.  That would be cool and fun.  This rehab is ortho and will help get her a bit stronger.  She and my father are in bad health and have enough issues that they are requiring a lot of assistance.  They need to sell their house and move to some kind of assisted living facility.  They are reluctant.  Okay, they are adamantly opposed right now.

More on the family drama and battles later.  Now, let's talk fun and cute.  This is my fur kid, Frostee.  He's a 6.8 pound Maltese.  I love him to pieces and talk about him constantly.  I have become "one of those dog moms" I swore I'd never be.  I can raise my own blood sugar cooing and ooohing and ahhhing over his cuteness.  I have some serious puppy love happening.  He was an unplanned event in my life and is one of the only things that makes me smile on a daily basis.  Maybe an hourly basis.  He's darned cute!

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