Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Only Thing Keeping Me Going

It's no secret that my life has been a serious suck-fest lately.  Today, my aunt died.  Bonnie fought a long, hard battle against ovarian cancer.  She will be truly missed.  Within my (extended) family, we have lost three aunts, an uncle, a former uncle, and two cousins over a period of two years.  My sister, family and I also lost a very, very dear friend at the beginning of this year.  In May, I lost my dear, sweet baby, Woody.

I had not planned on a second dog.  I don't like small dogs.  I wasn't planning on a puppy.  And then Frostee entered my world.  Right now, he is the only thing that brings a smile to my face.  He's my reason for getting out of bed.  He makes me laugh and he's so incredibly cute that I can't help cooing and fussing over him.  Yeah, I know.  I'm disgusting.  I am a dog mom in love with her kid.

Because I am so depressed and so sad, I'm devoting this entry to my kid.  I hope his photos bring a smile to your face too.  I know my blog is usually funny and light but I just can't pull it off right now.  I'm going through the motions of life but not living.  I'm just existing now.  I'm sure this will pass but'm too far down to see that light.  Maybe it's not there at all.  I dunno.  

Bring on the cute!

I played on the dirty pool cover.  A lot.
 No, Mommy, I didn't knock all of your papers onto the floor. 

My first night in my new home.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, Frostee is soooo darn adorable :)

    I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt. Prayers going up for you and your family :(
