Saturday, October 11, 2014

Jacked Up Jack O'Lanterns

Today's post isn't overly deep but instead, just fun.  I love creativity.  I love Halloween.  Therefore.....we must look at some amazing jack o'lanterns.  That reminds me of a guy I once dated.  He called them Jackel Lanterns.  That probably should have clued me in sooner but I was young and dumb.  And he had a motorcycle and a pierced tongue.  What can I say?

Anyway.... to the photos...  I found all of these on the internet but don't have photo (or carving credit).  For more info, I'd suggest you fire up your mouse and do some Googling.

A gruesome twosome!


A Golden Girl


Perhaps not the most flattering...
Sad that someone actually took time to do this one

It ain't easy being green...uh, orange

Danger, Mistress!

A personal fave!

Exploding TARDIS
Don't blink!  Blink and you're dead!