Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Google, Boredom and Who

This week, while it is only Wednesday, has been a crapfest. So, I was bored and decided to mess around on Google.  Why jack o'lanterns popped into my head, I really couldn't say.  I know why Doctor Who was mucking around in my brain though.  I've been seeing tons of cool tee shirts with well-known symbols from the show.  There is this great bleaching technique way of transferring stencil designs to shirts. More on that later.  

Back to the Whoness of this post.  I am always amazed at the creativity people have.  When I do a pumpkin carving, I'm lucky to end up with all my fingers and a design on that bad boy that you can almost recognize.  I mean, I am a whiz with triangles, baby.

As I just said, I'm bored.  And in a funk.  So what better time to Google or something, right??

Check, out what I found:

Tenth Doctor - my favorite and BBC, you need to bring him back!!

My favorite companion (besides Rose) dear K-9 the always faithful

Oooh, an Ood

Don't blink!  You're dead if you blink!!

Delete!  Exterminate!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Shameless Blog Entry Promoting A Great Book

Hi kids!  Yes, it's been a while since I actually did a blog entry.  So, fasten your seat belts and get ready for this one.

I just said something about the fact that I'm not really a cheerleader in body or personality but I am loyal and quite the champion of causes that inspire me.  Yes, yes.  You get it.  A sales pitch is coming!  And here I thought I was so cagey and stealthyishlike.

  If I like you, I am gonna be your biggest fan.  No, not like the chick in Misery.  That's too weird.  And scary.  And crap!  That stuff can happen in real life.  But I digress.

I recently met a man who keeps me entertained and interested.  And that's saying a lot.  He's also an author.  And a father.  And he's semi-sane and normal.  You know I prefer the sane ones.

Ken and his sons are great story-tellers.  They had an oral version of a fantastic story running through their heads.  Ken finally put pen to paper.  Okay, he put fingers to keyboard but I was going for a phrase there.

I have had the great pleasure to be able to read the book before it hit the presses.  I have read it several times.  Each time, I enjoyed it more.  And I'm not usually an adventure/action reader.  Yet, I found myself more and more intrigued with the story.  I felt part of the scenes, the battles and came to really love the characters.  And I want more!!!  Can't wait for the next book...

I admire people who actually DO things in life.  They don't just talk.  And Ken did something.  He wrote the story.  And his sons were very involved in the process.  For me, that is seriously awesome.  He is fostering a love of writing, creating, following through and actually producing, in these boys.  They have a bedtime tale that is destined to be a best seller.  

This book has it all.  There is action.  And adventure.  And fun characters.  The silly puns and jokes will entertain you.  Your imagination will run wild as you tour the slums of Dume and meet scruffies at every turn.  The descriptive writing will engage you and your children.  As you travel through the scenes, you will be eager to learn more.  No fear, this is only the beginning of the series.

Heck, this book is so educational, it even has a library scene!  C'mon moms, how could you go wrong buying this one for the kids??  Did you hear me?  LIBRARY scene!!
In this book, you will be introduced to all kinds of fun things.  Here are some teasers to whet your appetite:

A brave warrior
Feeling sick?  Caffeine's the trick.
The hand is quicker than the eye!

Hmm.  What the heck?

Girls can be mighty tough!

Please BUY this book.  You will make this PoolGirl very happy.  And you'll be teaching some young men that hard work and perseverance does pay off.  We all love to dream and when you can make that dream a reality, you have no limits in this life.  Help this family achieve a true dream.

Buy The Book on Amazon